MAL0011 - Maltese as a Foreign Language: Beginner Level

MAL0011 - Maltese as a Foreign Language: Beginner Level

Course Title

MAL0011 - Maltese as a Foreign Language: Beginner Level

MQF Level


Duration and Credits

Semester 2


Mode of Study

Part-Time Day

Information for International applicants

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Please check your eligibility to join this short course and time-tabling details with the Faculty of Arts. The short course will only be delivered subject to a minimum number of applications being received.

Din it-taqsima hi maħsuba għal min għadu se jibda jitgħallem l-ilsien Malti. Min jidħol għaliha jitgħallem ilissen, jaqra, jifhem u jikteb il-kliem ewlieni, sentenzi qosra u l-aktar espressjonijiet komuni bil-Malti, kif nużawhom fil-ħajja ta’ kuljum; ngħidu aħna, kif nintroduċu ruħna, insellmu lil xulxin, nitkellmu dwarna nfusna, dwar qrabatna u ħbiebna, u fejn noqogħdu. It-tagħlim isir fl-isfond soċjokulturali tal-ħajja Maltija, hekk li t-taqsima tiswa bħala daħla kemm għall-ilsien Malti kif ukoll għall-komunità li titkellmu.

This study-unit is intended for complete beginners in Maltese. Participants will learn how to pronounce, read, understand and write basic words, short sentences and the most common expressions used in everyday language, such as introducing oneself, one’s family and friends and one’s neighbourhood. Teaching is set against the Maltese socio cultural background, so that the study-unit will serve as an introduction to both the Maltese language and the community that speaks it.

Main Reading List

  • Camilleri, A. (1997) Merħba Bik. Malta: Colour Image.
  • Muscat, D., Mifsud, C. & Mallia, G. (2006) Sisien. Malta: Id-Diviżjoni tal-Edukazzjoni.
  • Sciriha, L. (1996) Beginning Maltese. Malta: University of Malta.

Non EU Applicants:


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Micro-credentials offer the possibility of providing flexible learning pathways to respond to evolving needs and new developments, thus enabling students to tailor their studies to their needs. Micro-credentials may be combined or transferred into larger credentials, such as certificates, diplomas and degrees, provided that the relevant programme requirements are met. Applicants wishing to transfer micro-credentials to a programme of study are encouraged to seek the advice of the relevant academic entity.

Humanities Stream

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